I hate my friend!!!!!!
Hello Everyone and welcome to my first post.
For those of you out there saying"no it isn't ...you already have one post"...here goes........
I have this friend...well I say friend but that is up for debate at the moment..well she decided I need a blog...technically I have no life but now I have a blog!!!!!!!
Let me go back to the beginning...we are going back, baaaack,baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak, to the wild and crazy 1990s.
I met 2paw at the school to which I was transferred ...(to skip the boring bits where I didnt know anyone and she was an eccentric loone - her class making their own board shorts and teaching them to march in formation in assembly...) I was very sensible and calm and so naturally we ended up finding out we both liked all things SCI FI and books and any way........
We taught together in a double unit and I was the computer expert.....she knew what one looked like. She could add and spell so we complemented each other quite well.
From the mysteries of how to load Granny's Garden ( go on ...la la the tune and it will be in your head all day) and Dread Dragon Droom she has become a blog master.
A few quotes from along the way....
That loaded quickly ..it only took 10 mins- a page of text
I dont need a computer at home ...there is one in the school library
user name???????? I already use my name
log in....where is the fire?????
all computer terms...followed by a question mark...
BUT now to the biggie.
She gets a computer and a horrible disease ( not related) ...and plays for endless hours on the net. BUT she won't go into chat rooms, leave comments, pay for anything...because she doesn't talk to strangers and I said all along that she would crack.....and SHE DID.
so ...say in a sing song way..."she has internet friends .... she has internet friends "
but sod it ...now I do too !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so here I am in the wonderful world of blogging....from computer expert to sad nerd...all in less than 10 years...who would have thunk it?????
Thanks for all your welcoming comments...I will be making my secretary reply ....in due course!!! she has to be good for something!!!
Your friend is one special lady.
Maybe during holidays you could make an appearance at our knitting coven???? We are a friendly bunch.
And what's wrong with teaching people to march in formation??? I sometimes march at home with The Labradors!!!!!! Harki goes berserkers bonkers!!!
I was taught to march in formation in primary school (but it was a private school). Never had use for it since then! lol
2paw is a lovely person. And I am with Sharon. Maybe during the holidays you might be able to meet us? Doesnt matter if you dont knit. We can all teach you! lol
Welcome welcome. You know, Cindy had a great effect on me too, I was lucky enough to meet her very VERY early in my career! And her personality is so unique I recognised her from her blog almost ten years since I met her!! Be careful. Blogging is addictive.
Granny's Garden did this have a witch and and an apple tree?
Alright so my memorys are from furtur back than the 90's. But I can still see those early computer graphics now...
I like the idea of imaginary husbands, I think I shall have to cultivate one.
You've got internet friends too! Na na na!
Ah yes, your friend, where would we all be wihtout her? I think slightly less well off. She's like a ray of sunshine on even the darkest days.
I am thirding? the suggestion you should come along to meetings if you are free in the holidays.
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