Sunday, November 26, 2006

Day 10

Are you pond weed?
Can you protect the poor little fishies fron the ravenous neighbourhood cats?
No you are not pond weed.
In fact you will sink gently through the water entangling the poor little fishes in your evil green mesh trapping them ,pathetically gasping for their last breath, in the murk at the bottom of the pond.
You are not pond are a plot by the Japanese government to design ways of trapping sea creatures!!!!!!


At 2:55 PM, Blogger 2paw said...

Ah, that dishcloth is having a whale of a time!!!

At 4:17 PM, Blogger MrsDrWho said...

You are so punny!!!

At 7:10 PM, Blogger Suzi said...

It's getting closer to a more suitabel home, some near water! Nice pond by the way. Many fish thrive in it???

At 4:12 AM, Blogger MrsDrWho said...

Fish live and thrive in the pond...but in fear of local feral cats!!!!!
They'll soon be big enough to net and pan fry if the moggies dont get them first.


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