Sunday, July 23, 2006

Commitment..or Committed...that is the question

Blogging is such a commitment..and I was commited ( or should be) to blogging when I got on line last night but I though"I'll just check my email" and the next 3 hours faded away into a pleasant hazy blur of drooling contentment down loading pictures and trivia about Dr Who and squealing with excitement when I found the bit where you can down load the commentary to go with the Dr Who episodes ....sigh. Interspersed with this was emailing 2paw who was sending the original BBC links and emailing Scotland to check that the COB is still ok and my cousin hasn't had to brain him in frustration!!!!!
She hasn't, so he must be behaving himself to some degree.
On a MUCH more important point though...isnt the new Dr just so droolingly cute? perhaps I should stop now................perhaps I should just go watch the episode again.
Oh yeah....can any of 2paws internet friends ( that she was never going to have) know why we can't copy the commentary onto CD ...or am I just broadcasting my illegal activities??? So much for my lessons in Being Information Literate and copyright law!!!!!! Any suggestions to 2paw...I am tending to put fingers in my ears and go la la la over anything hard at the moment......although if David Tennant was here and was prepared to deliver anything hard ...............trails away into drooling daydreams....I can feel a divorce coming on.......sigh...........)

Where was I ...oh that........copying to CD.
I am sure I can find some spotty teenager who can explain it in very simple terms.

So blogging was relegated to Sunday night.....and only then because I don't have and marking to do this weekend.

So .......nothing to add at this point but that is the beauty of blogging and not just the commitment isnt compulsory to actually have anything to say!!!!!!
And so I go..... the Tardis is about to leave and I don't want to be Rose's mother!!!!


At 4:51 AM, Blogger Rosie said...

This Dr Who is rather cute, isn't he? So far I have missed nearly all the episodes except the last 10 minutes or so. Duhhh! how could I forget to turn the idiot box on at the appropriate time!

At 4:26 PM, Blogger Cathy said...

I agree. The new Dr is soooooooooooooooooooo cute.


At 2:15 AM, Blogger Suzi said...

I do like Dr Who and this one is quite good lookign as far as the Dr stakes go.

I am disappointed that they dug Sarah Jane Smith up, way too squely for my liking. Could have cheerfully throttled her in the day. Maybe still could?

Not up wiht technology either, Ted is a 16-17 yo computer nerd and proabbly could do it with his eyes closed. Unfortuantly more than 30 seconds of conversation with him and Bill leave me feeling about 100.

At 5:47 PM, Blogger Sharon said...

Sorry, I am clueless in all this modern technology stuff!!


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