Ah..The Warm Fuzzy Glow Of Support
Thank you for your words of kindness(no I haven't sodding well finished my PT notes thanks very much!!!!!!) So nice to know I am not alone in thinking that my job may yet have reasonable limits asseptable (The Super Nanny version of the word) to others. They are teaching nose blowing and lace tying in Grade 1- what are the parents doing ....where will it end???? All the kids living at their teachers house I suspect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know it isn't everyone but out of 26 kids it only take 5 ( or in some cases fewer than that!!) to come from families leaving everything up to school and all the others have to miss out till they are tamed. I have always offered to let critics of teachers come to my class and teach for a day....I even offer to do the planning...maybe the new Minister will have a go. Not this year though. My class is pretty gorgeous.... remember they WANTED to go to the museum so it wouldn't be a fair example of a normal class. The potential for naughtiness lurks close beneath the surface though but $1000 worth of lego, Gourlays sweets, new software, a one and a half metre high dolls house and the new ICE AGE 2 board game goes a hell of a long way towards keeping a lid on undesirable behaviour. An expensive behavioural management technique but damn effective!!!!!!!!!
Also thanks to 2paw for the bells and whistles being added to my blog...make no mistake ..it isn't me making the clicky links and Avatars appear.....or even the photos . My contribution to the photos of muffins was the commando raid on the muffin and 2paws camera!!!!!!
I have a good excuse for blogging not PT noting . As I am the only family member still in Tassie it is obvious to my family that i am the one to try to get my cousin in England in touch with my Dad who arrived in London ( in how many pieces we don't know because the Cantankerous Old Sod hasn't rung anyone yet) yesterday at lunch time. Cousin Shrek is supposed to get COS train tickets to get to his place to watch the World Cup soccer but can't ring him to find out when he wants to travel etc. Of course it should fall on the only 2 people in the equation who actually have JOBS to sort it all out. So - here I am waiting to see if another cousin is on line and will email me with her sisters phone number so I can send it to Shrek so he can find COS and everyone will be happy (except COS who will be telling all and sundry that we are fussing over nothing because he wasn't lost.....he knew where he was all the time and he would have rung Shrek...eventually!!!!)
No ...dont worry..the chances of COS reading my blog are the same as me actually becoming the real Mrs MacGyver....or at this rate...the real Mrs ANYTHING!!!!!!!
So ...still waiting and blogging, and finding websites for a friends' kids home work.....what a good adopted auntie I am!!!!
The Labradors think you are the Best Auntie in the World!!!!
I am the worst at bells and whistles. My bells have lost the tongues and my whistles have the cork sphere missing!!!!
Ah, the joys of family! There is always one who has to cause trouble....why is it usually a father? It's alright for them to disappear off to who knows were, of course they were all alright. Unlike other people who simply overreact!
Good to hear you ahve a well behaved class, however I so woul dhave liked to go to the musuem too, actually anywhere if it meant time out of class. Did I mention how bad at school I was?
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