Sunday, September 03, 2006

Ransom Paid...Limoncello Returns Home


Breath a sigh of relief readers....Limoncello is on its way home .
The ransom was delivered by a hottie...not the requested one but a kidnapper can be too choosy.
Warning shots were fired before the prisoner emerged, shaken but relatively sober (ie..not drunk!!!! he he he ) .
Limon was led away by 2 friends wrapped in the obligatory space blanket to be checked over by medical staff ...well...sniffed like crazy by 2 labaradors not quite medical staff I suppose.
A spokesperson for Limon said that while freedom was all it had dreamed of during the long days of captivity and testing, it was developing a sneaking suspicion that it wasn't going to a safer non alcoholic place!!!!!!!


At 11:56 PM, Blogger 2paw said...

What do you mean I never make you anything nice?? And what's wrong with a Lab Test?? They do them all the time at the hospital!!!!!

At 9:26 PM, Blogger Sharon said...

Ooooh I am going to kidnap something from Cindys if that is the sort of ransom that she is prepared to pay!!

At 9:59 PM, Blogger alyshajane said...

hehe Looks like the ransom will be well enjoyed! :)

At 11:32 PM, Blogger Suzi said...

You are my hero! My absolute hero!

Loved the story, loved it more than words can express.

But still I shall utter a lot of them.

How brave, how many rescuers! It is truly a tale worthy of a drink!


At 8:46 PM, Blogger Rosie said...

What drama! Excitement! This is waaaay better than 24!


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