Tuesday, July 25, 2006

She is Banned

Banned I tell you BANNED
2paw is a psychological menace.
To preserve the tattered remains of my own sanity certain things have to be banned from her vocabulary and thought processes...at least the out loud thought proceses...what is going on in her head defies analysis I am sure!!!!!
So the bans are
1. Amanda Tappings ever changing hair...which will no longer be commented on in depth , in passing, with an intent look....Banned
2. The word ilk. Although the total ban is partially lifted on this now as she has learned her leson and stopped working it into every second sentence , there is a limit of 3 a week.
3.Jamie Durie and his little box. Ok he obviously has little man complex, and I'll admit that it was funny last night when they had obviously changed the box and made it blend in to the set. BUT
every time he comes on the screen she says"there is Jamiedroorie standing on his little box" and it is doing my head in...as she well knows.

SO I have banned her....feel free in joining me in reining in her obsessive compulsiveness and saving our own sanity or at least my sanity.


At 8:37 PM, Blogger 2paw said...

But Amanda Tapping's Hair - it is ever changing, it has a life of it's own.... helmet hair, off base hair, trapped in a mine hair...and then there is Daniel Jackson's Hair and Teal'c's and O'Neill's and all Hair of the Stargate ilk, and Jamie Durie IS STANDING ON A LITTLE BOX. What were they thinking??????????????? If I don't alert people to these things, who will?????????

At 4:29 PM, Blogger amanda j said...

I have never notice Jamie Durie standing on a box. Now I will have to seek him and his box out. She really is dangerous, isn't she!

At 11:20 PM, Blogger Suzi said...

I have never noticed Jamie Durie standing ona box, I must watch the show when it's next on and see if he really is standing on a box.

I can't place Amanda Tapping, who is she?

We may all be banned form the market because we talk too loud.


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