Tuesday, July 25, 2006

She is Banned

Banned I tell you BANNED
2paw is a psychological menace.
To preserve the tattered remains of my own sanity certain things have to be banned from her vocabulary and thought processes...at least the out loud thought proceses...what is going on in her head defies analysis I am sure!!!!!
So the bans are
1. Amanda Tappings ever changing hair...which will no longer be commented on in depth , in passing, with an intent look....Banned
2. The word ilk. Although the total ban is partially lifted on this now as she has learned her leson and stopped working it into every second sentence , there is a limit of 3 a week.
3.Jamie Durie and his little box. Ok he obviously has little man complex, and I'll admit that it was funny last night when they had obviously changed the box and made it blend in to the set. BUT
every time he comes on the screen she says"there is Jamiedroorie standing on his little box" and it is doing my head in...as she well knows.

SO I have banned her....feel free in joining me in reining in her obsessive compulsiveness and saving our own sanity or at least my sanity.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Commitment..or Committed...that is the question

Blogging is such a commitment..and I was commited ( or should be) to blogging when I got on line last night but I though"I'll just check my email" and the next 3 hours faded away into a pleasant hazy blur of drooling contentment down loading pictures and trivia about Dr Who and squealing with excitement when I found the bit where you can down load the commentary to go with the Dr Who episodes ....sigh. Interspersed with this was emailing 2paw who was sending the original BBC links and emailing Scotland to check that the COB is still ok and my cousin hasn't had to brain him in frustration!!!!!
She hasn't, so he must be behaving himself to some degree.
On a MUCH more important point though...isnt the new Dr just so droolingly cute? perhaps I should stop now................perhaps I should just go watch the episode again.
Oh yeah....can any of 2paws internet friends ( that she was never going to have) know why we can't copy the commentary onto CD ...or am I just broadcasting my illegal activities??? So much for my lessons in Being Information Literate and copyright law!!!!!! Any suggestions to 2paw...I am tending to put fingers in my ears and go la la la over anything hard at the moment......although if David Tennant was here and was prepared to deliver anything hard ...............trails away into drooling daydreams....I can feel a divorce coming on.......sigh...........)

Where was I ...oh yes.....no...before that........copying to CD.
I am sure I can find some spotty teenager who can explain it in very simple terms.

So blogging was relegated to Sunday night.....and only then because I don't have and marking to do this weekend.

So .......nothing to add at this point but that is the beauty of blogging and not just the commitment ....it isnt compulsory to actually have anything to say!!!!!!
And so I go..... the Tardis is about to leave and I don't want to be Rose's mother!!!!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Cuties and Technology

Well all is now revealed.
The new Dr. is here and he is sooooooooo cute.
Did enjoy the first episode immensely …even though……and yes I am rubbing it in…2paw and I saw it last night at the ABC. It was excellent both times. Amazing what a man in jim jams can accomplish. Plenty of little references to other things we know and love.

2paw let me have copies of her pics..sadly blogger isnt so accommodating....maybe tomorrow...maybe if I hold my tounge out the other side of my mouth as I type it will help....nope...didnt.

We are overwhelmed by good new season episodes since Stargate started last week. Ben Browder is a particularly stunning addition to SG1 (nice arms and hopefully he’ll get his kit off soon)
Pirates of The Carribean is tomorrows excitement. There is a danger I will be over come with sensory input of gorgeousness and swoon for most of Sunday!!!!!

On another subject…..exciting technological break throughs this week. I have accidentally worked out how the hard drive on my DVD player works…..YAY. Have now successfully used it 4 times…unsuccessfully twice though. It is a bit of a confusing system the way I have everything hooked up to the telly…I sadly have the capacity to buy the stuff and then have to make up a system to put it all together. But I did get Stargate and Dr Who on it. If only I could find the blasted book. After having the blasted machine for nearly a year I am ready to read the instructions and of course it is no where to be found. I can find the book to use the record player my sister and I got from Santa when I was 12 but not the 2 cm thick tomb that will allow me to operate the space shuttle that is my DVD recorder.

The second technological break through is with my lap top. You can teach it to recognize speech!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well that’s not quite true…you can teach it to put its own interpretation on things you say to it .
I didn’t discover this amazing and potentially useless feature. Like many things at my job it is the Chinese Whispers Gossip network that provided the tip off. Thanks Mrs B and her contacts.
To give you an idea of how effective the speech feature is, here is a sample. I have been thinking I need to make sure the kids are actually singing the correct words to the national anthem at assembly so I was going to type it out. Oh wait I thought….I could use the exciting new feature because I am a truly sucky typist. I think you will agree that the results are a feat of lyrical excellence.
Feel free to sing along.

Australian so let us rejoice for we are young and free for a week
With golden’s oil and well for toilet our home is good bye to see
Al and abounds in nature’s gifts or beauty of rich and rare
In history is paid to read every stage
of fans Australia fair
and enjoy full strains then let us seen
as fans are stranded thereare at the venue

And I did ALL of the training sessions to teach my lap top to recognize my voice.
Now I am really worried ….when I talk to my class…is this what they hear????????????? Is this the sense they make of my pearls of wisdom????
It might explain A LOT !!!!

I am now off to do my planning…..THAT should be interesting.
I would have loved this feature years ago when one particular Infant Mistress used to mark our planning….I couldn’t blame it on the biro but now I would be in with a fighting chance of an excuse.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Party Animals ( not really)

What a nice party.
What a poor substitute life my friends are living – didn’t realise it till we saw everyones secret desire occupations.
Sadly no one was “hot” enough to require my services.
Of course all we seemed to not so secretly desire was to drink a bit much and talk a load of rubbish…just like we always do!!!!!
Among the party attendees were an aging rocker and a ballerina,

a composter, Indian princess( from the sub continent not the Americas) a couple of world travellers and various sporting stars.

Guess "WHO" else attended !!!

So civilized we all are though. No chocolate cake trodden in the carpet, no illicit snogging in any room, no beer spilt on carpets or splashed on walls and no stubbies lying around the house with ash and cigarette butts floating in the dregs. Maybe a bit more boring in some ways but SO much easier to clean up after!!!!!

A slight head ache lingered on Sunday……I can actually drink with great focus and capacity….years of practise – all the hard graft and effort is paying off now. As a pensioner I will be able to guzzle Brown Bros Crouchen Riesling without a twinge of a headache ( pity I will only be able to afford home brand metho mixed with raspberry cordial)

The cup cake birthday cake was inspired. No drunken waving about of knives.....and no more washing up. Delicious too. Raspberry and white choc, lemon, Pirate M andMs, and chocolate. Although I didn't sample each on on the night I certainly did so over the next couple of days. Yum

So as far as I know a good time was had by all...but so long as I have a good time at my own party that's all that matters !!!!!!