Stockholm Syndrome

They have buddied up to solve mysteries and battle evil in our universe. They are an unlikely couple but I am much happier that my husband has ditched the Pop Tart in favour of a mature (OLD) sensible MALE side kick. If I have to go and carry out my own essential duties for the planet then I am glad he has found a helper with less in the chest department and none of the distracting bleach blond hair.
Here are some photos from the last few will see why they are reluctant to leave!!!
Here are the boys relaxing between adventures with a quick game of Egyptian Cat Noughts and Crosses.
Attack Of the Giant Otter
Normally a playful, friendly animal Otters that have been genetically tampered with become vicious and dangerous and have to be dealt with by the dynamic duo!!!
First The Dr tries wrestling with Tarquin ........................................
but together the boys saved the day......yay.
So here they will stay keeping us safe and sound.
No, you are brainwashing them, they want to be at my house, with the 2 blondes: Harki and Peri!!!! who are excellent companions!! How can you put them through such Herculean tasks? Cruel. At my house, Paul would hardly ever have to sing, and The Doctor could just sit happily in his bookcase with his other incarnations. You are the Cruella De Ville of modern times, you are. Thank goodness they're not Dalmatians!!!
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