Saturday, September 30, 2006

A Taste Tip

When your friend visits and brings you a yummy pull apart loaf there are a couple of questions you should probably ask. I didn’t.
A few hours after 2paw left I was feeling peckish so I thought I would have a bit of bread and jam. I ripped a lovely lump off the loaf and spread it liberally with raspberry jam. Then I took a huge bite…think crocodile and gazelle.
It tasted odd….very odd…quite horrible actually but I chewed and swallowed while trying to think of reasons why it tasted so bad.
But here is the real bit of stupidity…while considering possible solutions to the mystery I took another bite…think T-Rex jaws. And then it hit me …it was a garlic pull apart loaf.
Let me just assure you that garlic and raspberry are NOT complimentary flavours.
I know people like an odd assortment of tastes together but if anyone offers you garlic and raspberry jam offer to chew your own toenails instead.

Additional “twilight zone” happening in my house this week.

It looked wrong….sooooooooo wrong to see 2 paw knitting with purple. The earth has shifted on its axis!!!!!!!!

I expect The 4 Horsemen very soon.


At 10:59 PM, Blogger alyshajane said...

Eww, raspberry jam and garlic! Some people make garlic ice cream of all things. I'll think I'll stick to chocolate and vanilla myself!

The first time I tried an avocado, I bit into it like an apple, not realising you only ate the inside fleshy bit! Bluergh, candle wax would taste better. I'm sad to say that I was an adult when I did that, which only makes it worse! :)

At 5:19 AM, Blogger AmyP said...

I did pull her up on the purple thing, but she's stayed unusually quiet on the subject. Hmm....

At 5:24 AM, Blogger 2paw said...

Why, why would you think the pull apart loaf would be sweet? When are they ever?? You are a gannet!!!

At 5:33 AM, Blogger metal and knit said...

I must say I dont recommend using pull aparts to add extra flavours to.

At 4:21 PM, Blogger Sharon said...

Oh I have to agree with 2paw, pull aparts are always savoury!!

I thought for one split second you had crossed over but then I saw the green shirt ;)

At 6:04 AM, Blogger Suzi said...

I was in the local bakery today with Ms Stash and saw some pull-apart loaes, savoury i might add. And had a bit of a giggle.

But I must add marshmallows dipped in Garlic and Chive dip, not bad at all. Actually I quite enjoyed it.

Now that I've aired my guilty secret, I shall be off. Encourage the Green Woman to knit more purple.

No mention of Knitty this post I see. You must be recoverign form your temporay bout of Knititius.

At 6:06 AM, Blogger Suzi said...

Before I forget, wasn't there five hoursemen origainlly? But he fifth left before they became famous?

I don't think I ahve read that Terry Pratchett yet.

At 2:19 AM, Blogger amanda j said...

Like Fifi I am reminded of a friend who was in China and thought she would be eating marshmallow. It turned out to be tofu.


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