Everyone relax...I am not still ferrying Preps to and from the toilets..the bus didn't leave with out me ...not that I think no one would encourage that to happen!!!!
Lots and lots went on this week and none of it in the least bit interesting.
I am still unsure of blog ettiquette...I know 2paw will blog whether she has anything interesting to say or not but is that true of everyone???? ( waiting to be hit with flying objects- he he he)
I have been feeding my class the occassional Gourlay's lolly -yes I am supposed to be supporting of the healthy eating policy that the government says is our responsibility but if you have ever seen me you will realize that I support the
eating of everything policy...and think that what parents feed their kids( so long as it isnt poison,drugs, alcohol or my chocolate) entirely up to them. Why is what kids eat now teachers responsibility? (now we're off on a little rant...sorry) Why are we being made to provide hours of fitness and exercise at school out of the time that is really for providing the possibility of some education. No parent ever has asked me at parent teacher"is my child fit" but everyone wants ot know if they can read.write add and have friends. "can my child run a lap of the oval? " had NEVER been asked. Fitness an eating habits are a family thing...if you are concerned...get on with it, if not....carry on as you wish( with the usual caveat of poison etc.)
Anyway I did give them a barley sugar along with their maths test...barley sugar is good for sickness and and energy boost....just what some of them needed when faced with a page of equations and problem solving ( not very ELS....SO WHAT?????) Is feeding them lollies from the excursion considered follow up???? I guess at a push it linked maths with the trip!
I hope blogs are untraceable by the Ed Dept otherwise I might find myself sacked and lots of time to blog!!!!!!
Going to feed them the peppermint humbugs next week....bribery and corruption is the only way to get through all the reading tests now. I have topped up the prize box and will reorganise the seating arrangements, planned a new contract system...which they may or may not like, and I
STILL haven't typed all my parent teacher notes. Guess what I should be doing right now......so off I go. Only got Literacy, Maintaining wellbeing and a general comment to write for every one!!!!! Since my entire family is away there isn't even a roast chicken dinner to distract me from the task...pity...I love to be distracted from such things.
Actually I am well on the way through Autumn on my 4 Seasons Quilt. Maybe I will just do the last 2 leaves and then do the notes....after starting Winter!?! I can see some late nights coming up before next week.
If I was one of my own students I would be saying " Just do it, the sooner you start the sooner you finish." But then again...................nuh!!!
Off to sew. ....there is a bottle of Porpherys and raspberry muffins (the recipe is
here) investigate....I am maintaining my wellbeing!!!!.....and so the fires of procrastination consume the notions of work.
Mrs MacGyver